Men's Spring Stag Day 2023


Saturday, June 10th, 2023 - 1:00 P.M. Shotgun


ELIGIBILITY: Our Men's Stag Day Events is a member's only tournament, open only to male CBGC Members with a 2023 USGA Handicap Associated with CBGC as well as our Player's Club which is non-golf members with a 2023 USGA Handicap Associated with CBGC.  Members are permitted to bring a guest to these events (guest as defined as a golfer with no association with CBGC), as long as they have an active and verifiable USGA GHIN Handicap Number.  If you are bringing a guest, please make sure to fill out their name and GHIN on registration.


FORMAT & FLIGHTING: Our Men's Stag Day Events are gross better ball tournaments, pre-flighted by combined playing handicap.  If the higher handicapped golfer has a handicap exceeding 9 strokes of the lower handicapped golfer (for example, a 3 handicap pairing with a 15 handicap), the higher handicap will have their handicap reduced to 9 strokes within their partner's handicap (in the case of the 3 with the 15, the 15 handicap will have their handicap reduced to a 12 for the combined handicap of 15 as opposed to 18).  This is to keep flights competitive and prevent low handicappers from "sharking" - aka being placed in the higher flights.



  • All 2023 USGA Rules apply.  All putts counting for the team score must be holed - no gimmies!  If a player is "out of the hole" they may pick up.
  • Ball will be played down through green unless otherwise specified by the Tournament Committee prior to the event due to abnormal playing conditions caused by weather.
  • Red stakes & lines indicated penalty areas.  If no markings, consider the hazard indication line to be a club length from the edge.
  • White stakes & roads indicate areas that are out of bounds.
  • All tree stumps and unmarked areas of ground under repair (due to tree work or damaged turf from machinery) is granted free relief.  Fresh sod is also considered ground under repair.
  • All mulched areas are also granted free relief.
  • We will be adopting the USGA recommended local rule for Out of Bounds / Lost Balls.  If a ball goes out of play, you may take a 2-stroke penalty drop on the edge of the fairway equidistant to the point where the ball went out of play.  This is an alternative option to going back and replaying your shot with a penalty stroke (stroke & distance).


PAYOUT INFORMATION (derived from entry fee):


$200 in gift cards in each flight.  1st place in each flight receives $120 in gift cards ($60 to each player) & 2nd place in each flight receives $80 in gift cards ($40 to each player).


SKINS ($40 Team Skins - CASH ONLY!):


  • Each Team is expected to put up $40 in cash ($20 per golfer) for Team Skins.
  • Half of the pot goes to in-flight skins ($100 in each flight).
  • Half of the pot goes to overall skins ($500 in overall pot based on 25 teams)
  • All skins are team skins and are gross skins.




Prior to the event starting at 11:00 A.M. we will have a calcutta auction.  Each team will be auctioned off, with the starting bid at $50 a team and increasing in increments of $10.  There is no limit to how many teams you can own.  If you do not buy your own team, you always have the right to buy in for half.  The pot will be distributed accordingly to each flight based on what each team was sold for (for example, the A flight may have $1200 in it and the B flight may have $850 in it and so on and so forth).  Payouts for calcutta within the flight will be 50% of the pot for 1st place, 30% for 2nd place, and 20% for 3rd place.




As is custom with Stag Days, you are permitted to make as many side wagers as you'd like.  Make sure your wallet is stocked and keep a notepad handy!


OUR FAMOUS 4-HOLE SHOOTOUT ($30 cash per golfer - $20 goes to cash prizes, $10 to course):


The Friday night before the event we will have our famous 4-Hole Shootout at 4pm and is open to anyone (even folks not in the tournament).  The format is a 2-player scramble (handicapped based on team composition).  Based on 8 teams playing, this is how it goes:

  • On the first hole, 6/8 teams move onto the second hole.  The top 6 are safe, although if there are any ties for a spot to move on we have a chip-off to decide who moves on.  The closest teams move on, and 2 teams are eliminated.
  • On the second hole, 2 more teams are eliminated.  Once again, any ties for a final spot are decided by a chip off.
  • On the third hole, 2 more teams are eliminated.  Once again, any ties for a final spot are decided by a chip off.
  • On the fourth hole, only 2 teams remain.  If there is a tie, we go to a closest-to-the-pin contest on the fifth hole par 3.  Winning team wins 60% of pot, and the runner-up team wins 40% of the pot.

Even if you are eliminated, the real fun is hanging around - the beverage cart will be with us the entire time and we make non-stop side bets.  Bring your wallet and a notepad because it can get pretty crazy!  Happy hour and food to follow the shootout.